Frequently Asked Questions:
What type of events do you have throughout the year?
Live After Five
An evening event hosted at various locations throughout the city.
Our Live After Five’s (LA5’s) are our premier networking events! Live After Five is the opportunity to mix and mingle with ABQ’s young professionals. You’ll not only make new connections, but possibly new friends!
Lunch With Leaders
These events allow you to learn from and chat with a local Albuquerque leaders!
Lunch With Leaders is an hour-long event, usually hosted on a weekday during the lunch hour.
Community Service/Engagement
Events and volunteer opportunities to assist local establishments and nonprofit organizations.
These events include donation drives, cleanup days, supply drives, cooking and serving lunch for those experiencing homelessness, volunteering at youth organizations, and more.
These events are typically a couple hours long and usually take place during the weekend.
New Member Happy Hour
This event is specifically for our new members to welcome them to YPA!
The New Member Happy Hour is an official introduction to YPA and is an opportunity to connect with fellow new members.
It occurs once a month and and your first beverage is complimentary.
City Wide Mixer
The annual YPA City Wide Mixer is our BIGGEST event of the year!
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Typically takes place in the spring.
Annual Party
Another signature YPA networking event, which is similar to our Live After Fives. This one is just bigger!
Usually takes place late summer/early fall.
Holiday Party
Annual event to help our members and friends get in the spirit of the holiday season!
Why should I attend YPA events?
Our events are designed to meet anyone’s schedule and allow you to network with fellow professionals, gain professional development, meet leaders in the Albuquerque area, and volunteer your time to help the community. Also… YPA members are just plain awesome. Need we say more?
Can I attend an event even if I’m not a member?
Yes! We ensure to have a mix of events each year. Some are open for all to attend, while others are for our members only.
What is the difference between a regular and super membership?
Regular Membership: $100/year gives you access to member-exclusive events and content! With a regular membership, we offer reduced rates for our paid events.
Super Membership: $200/year also gives you access to member-exclusive events and content! With a super membership, we provide automatic access to all of our events - no extra fees required.
How can I become more involved with YPA?
You can join one of our committees! Getting involved in a YPA committee helps you build lasting relationships with other members, and it helps shape the future of our organization. Additionally, committee participation is a requirement for board eligibility, which is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills. If you’re interested in joining a committee, you can find more information on that here.
Have another question that we haven’t answered?
We’re here to help! If you have any questions about YPA, please reach out to us here.